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  • library_books Site Purpose Disclaimer - Find This Space
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    Posted by Steve Watts, on July 28, 2019
    Article Synopsis

    The intent of this web site is in part to provide general guidance for you while you search for your reason to, and devise your process for selecting the broker you will work with. The industry is structured such that you are nearly forced to rely on brokerage services, and that these brokers and agents be the folks that you rely upon for the decisions you make. Our recommendation here on FIND this SPACE is that you find a broker to rely upon sooner rather than later. Until you do, and unless you are an expert yourself, you should use this and any other information you find on the topic as general guidance and only take important decisions with the guidance of a licensed professional. I don’t see many (if any) good reasons to make a bad decision and then resort to legal action because of that bad decision.

    Keep in mind - as is said elsewhere on this site - until you have an agreement with your broker, the broker you are speaking to could easily have a duty to another party in your business dealings. Don’t treat any broker like a fiduciary until you have an explicit agreement with them to be your fiduciary.

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  • link New York State Board of Real Estate
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    Synopsis Posted by Steve Watts, on July 12, 2019
    Link Synopsis

    This is the official web site of the New York State Department of State - the Real Estate regulating body. If you are a prospective or actual buyer or lessee, this is where you can go to learn about what you can and should expect out of the players in your real estate transaction. You can learn about the agents and brokers involved - whether or not their licenses are active (they MUST be for them to deal with you) - and whether or not they have or have had disciplinary action against them. If you are I would suggest that you browse the site just a bit to make sure you know what is there that might be useful to you. Bon apetit.

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  • link Top 100+ Real Estate Crowdfunding Sites
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    Synopsis Posted by Steve Watts, on July 12, 2019
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    There are CLEARLY many ways to invest in commercial real estate (CRE). One of the newer ways is an offshoot of crowdfunding - but for CRE. This site does indeed seem to have the names of nearly 100. Actually, I counted tonight, and count 59 in “tier 6,” which appear to be unreviewed and unlinked. “Tier 1” is a wish-list set of categories that no one in the industry attains, and then “Tiers 2-5” comprise 25 companies that appear to have been reviewed fairly carefully. Some or all of the rest appear to have been assessed and found to have deficiencies that indicated to the author that they are not currently able to support a full assessment. I did sign up and download the latest version of his assessment spreadsheet available and am looking it over. It appears to be aimed at the more serious investor - which hopefully is a good thing.

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  • link Delaware Real Estate Commission
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    Synopsis Posted by Steve Watts, on July 12, 2019
    Link Synopsis

    This is the official web site of the Delaware Real Estate regulating body - the Delaware Real Estate Commission. If you are a prospective or actual buyer or lessee, this is where you can go to learn about what you can and should expect out of the players in your real estate transaction. You can learn about the the agents and brokers involved - whether or not their licenses are active (they MUST be for them to deal with you) - and whether or not they have or have had disciplinary action against them. If you are I would suggest that you browse the site just a bit to make sure you know what is there that might be useful to you. Bon apetit.

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  • link Multifamily Classifications
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    Synopsis Posted by Steve Watts, on August 16, 2017
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    This is a nice little summary of Multifamily property classifications and what these classifications typically mean in terms of property quality. There is also a discussion of what it all means in terms of financing options.

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  • library_books Articles & Links Categories & Filters
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    Posted by Steve Watts, on February 27, 2017
    Article Synopsis

    This article describes the method provided to help you sort through articles and links on our site. The site uses a system of categories and filters to help you narrow things down to your interests, and lets you save them and archive them so that they won’t be included in the future.

    This graphic below is an attempt to illustrate some the first-level methods for sorting Articles & Links (A&L). All A&Ls are grouped in the blue stack box. These can be sorted by CRE Type (yellow) and Metro Areas (yellow). CRE Types in this case will be all types available on our site. Metro Areas in this case will be Metro Areas where there is some activity. In each of these cases, you may save one or more CRE Type or Metro Area (gray) to use directly as filters, and if you have then links will show up for these with a count of the number of Areas or Types. The result of this sorting would be filtered lists of A&Ls.

    Graphic showing Articles & Links Categories & Filters

    Additionally, each article - with the exception of “sticky” articles which will already show up - can be saved for later use or eliminated from future consideration by archiving it.

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  • library_books Getting Started on FTS
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    Posted by Steve Watts, on December 30, 2016
    Article Synopsis

    Our purpose in life here is to help you find the commercial property that best suits your needs - hopefully the commercial property of your dreams. We’re working on informational articles and links to help you identify the best path to accomplish just that, whether it be finding it yourself, or working with a real estate professional to help you or find it for you. Ultimately, you are highly likely to end up working with a real estate professional on your (buyer/lessee) side and on the “opposing” (seller/lessor) side. The real estate industry is fairly tightly regulated throughout the United States, and working through real estate professionals is the way they intend (really, this should read “require” since that’s the case except for very narrow circumstances) it to work. These regulatory bodies are fundamentally consumer protection-oriented, and are there to help you look out for your own interests.

    Please do feel free to simply browse all of our Articles and Links using the link above. If you’d like to find resourses more relevant to your specific area, please use the “Localize” link. If you want to focus on the specific type of property you are looking for, please use the “CRE Type” link. If you know what you want, but decide you want help finding it, please click on the “Property Search” button in the banner below and we’ll get in touch as soon as practical to get the process started. As we move forward, we’ll be coming up with more ways to help you mine the material we’re pulling together for you, but for now this is your likely path. If you have other questions related real estate about which you would like to have other opinions, please also feel free to use our “Get Answers” link below. We do look forward to hearing from you!

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  • link NAIOP Terms & Definitions - Real Estate Types, Etc.
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    Synopsis Posted by Steve Watts, on December 17, 2016
    Link Synopsis

    The NAIOP (National Association of Industrial and Office Parks), also known as the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, is an organization for developers, owners and related professionals in office, industrial and mixed-use real estate. This is a link to the Terms & Definitions page for their research foundation. You can navigate these on their web site, but they also provide a link to a .pdf to the right of the “Terms & Definitions” label that I found quite useful.

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  • link South Carolina Real Estate Commission
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    Synopsis Posted by Steve Watts, on December 17, 2016
    Link Synopsis

    This is the official web site of the South Carolina Real Estate regulating body - the South Carolina Real Estate Commission. If you are a prospective or actual buyer or lessee, this is where you can go to learn about what you can and should expect out of the players in your real estate transaction. You can learn about the the agents and brokers involved - whether or not their licenses are active (they MUST be for them to deal with you) - and whether or not they have or have had disciplinary action against them. If you are I would suggest that you browse the site just a bit to make sure you know what is there that might be useful to you. Bon apetit.

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  • link Florida Real Estate Commission - FREC
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    Synopsis Posted by Steve Watts, on December 17, 2016
    Link Synopsis

    This is the official web site of the Florida Real Estate regulating body - the Florida Real Estate Commission. If you are a prospective or actual buyer or lessee, this is where you can go to learn about what you can and should expect out of the players in your real estate transaction. You can learn about the the agents and brokers involved - whether or not their licenses are active (they MUST be for them to deal with you) - and whether or not they have or have had disciplinary action against them. If you are I would suggest that you browse the site just a bit to make sure you know what is there that might be useful to you. Bon apetit.

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  • link California Bureau of Real Estate - CalBRE
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    Synopsis Posted by Steve Watts, on December 17, 2016
    Link Synopsis

    This is the official web site of the California Real Estate regulating body - the California Bureau of Real Estate. If you are a prospective or actual buyer or lessee, this is where you can go to learn about what you can and should expect out of the players in your real estate transaction. You can learn about the the agents and brokers involved - whether or not their licenses are active (they MUST be for them to deal with you) - and whether or not they have or have had disciplinary action against them. If you are I would suggest that you browse the site just a bit to make sure you know what is there that might be useful to you. Bon apetit.

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  • link New Mexico Real Estate Commission
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    Synopsis Posted by Steve Watts, on December 17, 2016
    Link Synopsis

    This is the official web site of the New Mexico Real Estate regulating body - the New Mexico Real Estate Commission. If you are a prospective or actual buyer or lessee, this is where you can go to learn about what you can and should expect out of the players in your real estate transaction. You can learn about the the agents and brokers involved - whether or not their licenses are active (they MUST be for them to deal with you) - and whether or not they have or have had disciplinary action against them. If you are I would suggest that you browse the site just a bit to make sure you know what is there that might be useful to you. Bon apetit.

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  • link Georgia Real Estate Commission - GREC
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    Synopsis Posted by Steve Watts, on December 16, 2016
    Link Synopsis

    This is the official web site of the Georgia Real Estate regulating body - the Georgia Real Estate Commission. If you are a prospective or actual buyer or lessee, this is where you can go to learn about what you can and should expect out of the players in your real estate transaction. You can learn about the the agents and brokers involved - whether or not their licenses are active (they MUST be for them to deal with you) - and whether or not they have or have had disciplinary action against them. If you are I would suggest that you browse the site just a bit to make sure you know what is there that might be useful to you. Bon apetit.

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  • link Alabama Real Estate Commission - AREC
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    Synopsis Posted by Steve Watts, on December 16, 2016
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    This is the official web site of the Alabama Real Estate regulating body - the Alabama Real Estate Commission. If you are a prospective or actual buyer or lessee, this is where you can go to learn about what you can and should expect out of the players in your real estate transaction. You can learn about the the agents and brokers involved - whether or not their licenses are active (they MUST be for them to deal with you) - and whether or not they have or have had disciplinary action against them. If you are I would suggest that you browse the site just a bit to make sure you know what is there that might be useful to you. Bon apetit.

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  • link Mississippi Real Estate Commission - MREC
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    Synopsis Posted by Steve Watts, on December 16, 2016
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    This is the official web site of the Mississippi Real Estate regulating body - the Mississippi Real Estate Commission. If you are a prospective or actual buyer or lessee, this is where you can go to learn about what you can and should expect out of the players in your real estate transaction. You can learn about the the agents and brokers involved - whether or not their licenses are active (they MUST be for them to deal with you) - and whether or not they have or have had disciplinary action against them. If you are I would suggest that you browse the site just a bit to make sure you know what is there that might be useful to you. Bon apetit.

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  • link Arizona Department of Real Estate
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    Synopsis Posted by Steve Watts, on December 16, 2016
    Link Synopsis

    This is the official web site of the Arizona Real Estate regulating body - the Arizona Department of Real Estate. If you are a prospective or actual buyer or lessee, this is where you can go to learn about what you can and should expect out of the players in your real estate transaction. You can learn about the the agents and brokers involved - whether or not their licenses are active (they MUST be for them to deal with you) - and whether or not they have or have had disciplinary action against them. If you are I would suggest that you browse the site just a bit to make sure you know what is there that might be useful to you. Bon apetit.

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  • link Oklahoma Real Estate Commission - OREC
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    Synopsis Posted by Steve Watts, on December 16, 2016
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    This is the official web site of the Oklahoma Real Estate regulating body - the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission. If you are a prospective or actual buyer or lessee, this is where you can go to learn about what you can and should expect out of the players in your real estate transaction. You can learn about the the agents and brokers involved - whether or not their licenses are active (they MUST be for them to deal with you) - and whether or not they have or have had disciplinary action against them. If you are I would suggest that you browse the site just a bit to make sure you know what is there that might be useful to you. Bon apetit.

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  • link Arkansas Real Estate Commission - AREC
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    Synopsis Posted by Steve Watts, on December 16, 2016
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    This is the official web site of the Arkansas Real Estate regulating body - the Arkansas Real Estate Commission. If you are a prospective or actual buyer or lessee, this is where you can go to learn about what you can and should expect out of the players in your real estate transaction. You can learn about the the agents and brokers involved - whether or not their licenses are active (they MUST be for them to deal with you) - and whether or not they have or have had disciplinary action against them. If you are I would suggest that you browse the site just a bit to make sure you know what is there that might be useful to you. Bon apetit.

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  • link Louisiana Real Estate Commission - LREC
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    Synopsis Posted by Steve Watts, on December 16, 2016
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    This is the official web site of the Louisiana Real Estate regulating body - the Louisiana Real Estate Commission. If you are a prospective or actual buyer or lessee, this is where you can go to learn about what you can and should expect out of the players in your real estate transaction. You can learn about the the agents and brokers involved - whether or not their licenses are active (they MUST be for them to deal with you) - and whether or not they have or have had disciplinary action against them. If you are I would suggest that you browse the site just a bit to make sure you know what is there that might be useful to you. Bon apetit.

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  • link Texas Real Estate Commission - TREC
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    Synopsis Posted by Steve Watts, on December 16, 2016
    Link Synopsis

    This is the official web site of the Texas Real Estate regulating body - the Texas Real Estate Commission. If you are a prospective or actual buyer or lessee, this is where you can go to learn about what you can and should expect out of the players in your real estate transaction. You can learn about the the agents and brokers involved - whether or not their licenses are active (they MUST be for them to deal with you) - and whether or not they have or have had disciplinary action against them. If you are I would suggest that you browse the site just a bit to make sure you know what is there that might be useful to you. Bon apetit.

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  • library_books Why "FIND this SPACE?"
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    Posted by Steve Watts, on December 6, 2016
    Article Synopsis

    This is THE FIRST post on FIND this SPACE. It seems apt that it should be centered on explaining why this site was created. There are trends in the real estate technology sector moving toward helping a real estate “seeker” find a property that suits him/her on their own. Interestingly, the real estate industry is not really structured to support this approach, and for those who know already or can be convinced, we aim to help potential real estate clients find a practitioner who is anxious to help them find the space that best suits their needs.

    Real Estate law is normally structured so that both parties - the seller/lessor and the buyer/lessee - must have representation by a real estate professional except under very narrow circumstances (e.g. if you are an estate attorney). That said, there is a hole that many buyers/lessees fall through that is important to note. If you are seeking property and do not yet have this representation, any seller/lessor representative will call you a customer unless they can make you into a client. The difference is that a client is entitled to the fiduciary duty of his/her representative, whereas a customer should assume that the representative of the buyer/lessor owes their fiduciary duty to the seller/lessor. They must make their position in the relationship clear to you and treat you honestly, BUT you should NOT share information with this representative that you do not wish to share with the seller/lessor as it can seriously damage your negotiating position. Making sure you understand that you are a customer and not a client is the attempt of regulators to notify you of this actual conflict of interest. Note that if you tell them at your first meeting that you do not have, but would like representation, there are provisions requiring them to eliminate this conflict of interest. You should still be very careful what you say until your representation and representative are established.

    What I hope the above did was convince you to engage buyer’s/lessee’s representation. It generally costs you nothing, and brings you real advantages. This is important to protect your interests and to have someone in your corner. In some cases for a given location, we’ve already made a selection of a credible broker who would be willing to represent you. If we haven’t already made a selection in an area that you are interested, we will likely help you make a selection if you like. If you don’t see your area of the country in the “Localize” section, just request a property search or use “Get Answers” to make your request. I’ve developed, and continue to refine a process for this selection which I expect will be helpful to you.

    In any case, what I hope is that we will provide you with lots of information to support you in your real estate transaction.

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